Bells and Whistles 2013-07-17T14:53:15+12:00 Bells and Whistles 2013-07-17T14:53:15+12:00 2013-07-17T14:53:15+12:00 Mirrycle Incredibell Original Bell Bike Bells Mirrycle

Vendor: Mirrycle
Type: Bike Bells
Price: 20.00

The Mirrycle Original Incredibell is a big favourite among commuters around the world who are after a small (33mm diameter), reliable and great sounding bicycle bell. Much like the Crane Suzu Lever Strike bell, the Original Incredibell is made from quality materials and made in Japan. It is a perfect replacement for the poor quality Chinese made bells that come standard with most bicycles that come into New Zealand.

The Original Incredibell is the top seller in the entire range of Incredibells. It is ideal solution for users of road bikes and mountain bikes and general commuters who want to clearly and politely warn people when approaching from behind.

Listen to the sound of each bell here

Fits handlebars 21.7mm - 26mm

]]> Black 20.00 0 Alloy 20.00 0 Brass 20.00 0